The ever industrious Sorbonne professor
Claude Lecouteux has compiled an anthology on
lycanthropy in collaboration with a few other people that was published earlier this year,
Elle courait le garou : Lycanthropes, hommes-ours, hommes-tigres (José Corti Editions). The book is a companion volume to a similar anthology on revenants published in 2006,
Elle mangeait son linceul : Fantômes, revenants, vampires et esprits frappeurs Une anthologie.
'En appendice, des actes de procès des XVIe et XVIIe siècles apportent la preuve que le loup-garou fut autrefois une réalité que nul ne mettait en doute.' I.e. in the appendix the acts of the processes of the 16th and 17th Centuries prove that the werewolf was once a reality that no one doubted.
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