On several occasions, particularly on the periphery of the Habsburg Empire during the 17th and 18th centuries, dead people were suspected of being revenants or vampires, and consequently dug up and destroyed. Some contemporary authors named this phenomenon Magia Posthuma. This blog is dedicated to understanding what happened and why.
Sunday, 23 August 2009
First two papers from Vienna conference
The Dracula Phenomenon
Two books on Dracula recently arrived. One is a classic biography of Vlad Tepes published and reprinted in Germany several times since 1980: Ralf-Peter Märtin's Dracula: Das Leben des Fürsten Vlad Tepes (Verlag Klaus Wagenbach), and the other is the quite new Bram Stoker's Dracula: A Documentary Journey into Vampire Country and the Dracula Phenomenon edited by Elizabeth Miller (Pegasus Books). As things have been in my life during the past weeks I have found little time to look at these two books, so here I will merely state my immediate notions.
Märtin's book is, I think, the current standard popular biography in German on Vlad Tepes, and it may in fact be the most reprinted volume on this medieval ruler. It looks very inviting and seems to be an easily read presentation of his life and the historical context, including a chapter on cruelty in the late medieval period. It is nicely illustrated and contains an updated bibliography (as of 2008) on the topic, including books on vampires.
The focus of Miller's book is, of course, Bram Stoker's novel, its genesis and its legacy. It is described as a 'documentary journey' because it is sort of an anthology or scrapbook of material that sets the background for Stoker's novel, describes in detail Stoker's work on the novel, and follows its publication history and way into popular media like theatre and movies. The portions on the historical vampire are symptomatically weak, as there are only a few pages on the Visum et Repertum, Calmet, van Swieten etc. But as Stoker himself did not have access to a lot of information on the vampires of the 18th century, and mostly knew about vampires from 19th century books in English, it is probably sufficient to the scholar or reader mainly interested in Stoker's vampire count. And there is certainly a wealth of interesting material on Stoker, his book, and fictional vampires, so this is definitely a must for anyone with an interest in 'the Dracula phenomenon', no doubt providing many hours of interesting study!
One slight let down is the quality of the reproduction of the illustrations. Some of them are slightly blurred, which is a shame because there are so many unique illustrations here, like e.g. a reproduction of Stoker's death certificate as shown in the photo below.
Märtin's book is, I think, the current standard popular biography in German on Vlad Tepes, and it may in fact be the most reprinted volume on this medieval ruler. It looks very inviting and seems to be an easily read presentation of his life and the historical context, including a chapter on cruelty in the late medieval period. It is nicely illustrated and contains an updated bibliography (as of 2008) on the topic, including books on vampires.
The focus of Miller's book is, of course, Bram Stoker's novel, its genesis and its legacy. It is described as a 'documentary journey' because it is sort of an anthology or scrapbook of material that sets the background for Stoker's novel, describes in detail Stoker's work on the novel, and follows its publication history and way into popular media like theatre and movies. The portions on the historical vampire are symptomatically weak, as there are only a few pages on the Visum et Repertum, Calmet, van Swieten etc. But as Stoker himself did not have access to a lot of information on the vampires of the 18th century, and mostly knew about vampires from 19th century books in English, it is probably sufficient to the scholar or reader mainly interested in Stoker's vampire count. And there is certainly a wealth of interesting material on Stoker, his book, and fictional vampires, so this is definitely a must for anyone with an interest in 'the Dracula phenomenon', no doubt providing many hours of interesting study!
One slight let down is the quality of the reproduction of the illustrations. Some of them are slightly blurred, which is a shame because there are so many unique illustrations here, like e.g. a reproduction of Stoker's death certificate as shown in the photo below.
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Going Underground
It is quite amazing how popular vampires - fictional vampires - seem to be at the moment. I just learned that a Bram Stoker Film Festival is on in Whitby in mid-October, including a 'vampire walk' of the town known from Stoker's Dracula. Well-known writer Neil Gaiman recently commented that he thought that the popularity of vampires had reached a saturation point and wished that they would go underground for a couple of decades, only to return in another and different shape.
The Vampyre in Rome
Vampire fiction is as popular in Rome as everywhere else. Stacks of Italian translations of the Twilight books, as well as dozens of other paranormal romances and vampire novels can be found in every bookshop. Non-fictional books about vampires, however, was nowhere to be found, at least I could not find any.
Monday, 3 August 2009
D. A. Calmet
Dom Calmet was interested in vampires from the beginning. In Dom Augustion Calmet: Un itinéraire intellectuel, Gilles Banderier reprints some unpublished letters that documents Calmet's interest in obtaining information on vampires. One of them is dated April 19 1732:
Je me suis mépris en vous demandant le 1. tome du Glaneur. Ce n'est pas dans ce tome où parle des vampires. C'est apparemment dans le suivant, que je vous supplie de me faire tenir par le reverend Prieur de Mesnil.
Je suis dans le plus parfait respect Monseigneur
Votre treshumble et tres obeissant
Ce 19. avril
serviteur D. A. Calmet
P.S. J'ay veu les livres que vous nous avez envoiez. Mais il y en a bon nombre que nous avions déjà. Nous les renvoirons lorsque nous aurons recu ceux que vous nous destinez encore.'
Calmet was interested in reading the French translation of the Visum et Repertum printed in the Glaneur, a translation sent by the French ambassador in Vienna, Bussy, to Paris in February 1732.
More on the genesis of the Dissertation can be found in another paper by Banderier, which can be found online: (Ir)rationalité des vampires? À propos du Traité sur les apparitions ... de dom Augustin Calmet, which also includes the original French text of Gerard van Swieten's text on vampires as an appendix.
Banderier is also the editor of this recent edition of a contemporary commentary on Calmet's Dissertation:
Réflexions sur le Traité des Apparitions de dom Calmet by dom Ildefonse Cathelinot.
Which reminds me that I once wrote that it would be very nice and useful is someone published an annotated and critical edition of Calmet's work. The work by Banderier and others shows that there it could become a very interesting edition.
In the meantime, collectors with adequate resources may consider this third edition of the German translation of Calmet's work from 1757, at sale for $1.999.
Je me suis mépris en vous demandant le 1. tome du Glaneur. Ce n'est pas dans ce tome où parle des vampires. C'est apparemment dans le suivant, que je vous supplie de me faire tenir par le reverend Prieur de Mesnil.
Je suis dans le plus parfait respect Monseigneur
Votre treshumble et tres obeissant
Ce 19. avril
serviteur D. A. Calmet
P.S. J'ay veu les livres que vous nous avez envoiez. Mais il y en a bon nombre que nous avions déjà. Nous les renvoirons lorsque nous aurons recu ceux que vous nous destinez encore.'
Calmet was interested in reading the French translation of the Visum et Repertum printed in the Glaneur, a translation sent by the French ambassador in Vienna, Bussy, to Paris in February 1732.
More on the genesis of the Dissertation can be found in another paper by Banderier, which can be found online: (Ir)rationalité des vampires? À propos du Traité sur les apparitions ... de dom Augustin Calmet, which also includes the original French text of Gerard van Swieten's text on vampires as an appendix.

Réflexions sur le Traité des Apparitions de dom Calmet by dom Ildefonse Cathelinot.
Which reminds me that I once wrote that it would be very nice and useful is someone published an annotated and critical edition of Calmet's work. The work by Banderier and others shows that there it could become a very interesting edition.
In the meantime, collectors with adequate resources may consider this third edition of the German translation of Calmet's work from 1757, at sale for $1.999.
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Bloodsucker in action

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