Sunday 11 January 2009

Internet experiences

'I was initially very concerned about the reaction my blog would get: Would I get lumped in with various self-styled 'vampires' and Goths? Would I be considered another weirdo? Well, fortunately I haven't encountered any real problems,'

I wrote in an autobiographical note last year. In general I have had mainly serious and pleasurable feedback, and I haven't had to dismiss more than a couple of comments. Actually, I am frequently surprised by how positive the feedback often is, and I am occasionally contacted out of the blue by people that I had never expected to hear from. I have e.g. on a couple of occasions been contacted by descendants of some of the people involved in vampire history that I have written about, a subject that I plan to write a bit more on in a post soon.

There are, however, so many people out there on the internet who hide behind pseudonyms or have pretty weird agendas, and a subject like that of vampires and magia posthuma will certainly attract some of those people. And when they contact you, you really don't know who you are in contact with. It could be some teenager who just hasn't yet learned ordinary good manners and thinks he or she can demand your attention. You really don't know.

Those who have politely asked me in the past will, I think, attest that I have tried to be helpful by providing source material, references to literature, discussing ideas etc. If I have on occasion forgot to provide something or follow up on requests, I am sorry, so feel free to contact me again. I endeavour to share thoughts, ideas and source material with people around the world who have a serious interest in what I usually call the historical aspects of magia posthuma.

All this said because of the recent experiences mentioned in my previous post and in the series of comments to this post.

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