Saturday 29 November 2008

Van Swieten and Van Helsing

I just looked at the German Wikipedia entry on Gerard van Swieten, and someone has added this sentence:

'Van Swieten war eine Vorlage für Bram Stokers Romanfigur des Vampirjägers „Van Helsing“ in seinem berühmten Roman „Dracula“.' (Van Swieten was a model for Bram Stoker's fictional character of the vampire hunter Van Helsing in his famous novel Dracula).

The source is probably the Vampire Princess documentary, but as stated before, there is hardly any evidence that Bram Stoker had ever come across the name of Gerard van Swieten!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bruce A. McClelland also makes a (not very convincing) case for the connection between Van Helsing and Van Swieten in Slayers and Their Vampires: A Cultural History of Killing the Dead (2006).

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